Thursday, April 8, 2010

If you were unable to make it to our Words to a Revolution play performance, here is one scene: The Boston Massacre.

Biking Westmoreland

On Friday, April 9th, Room 208 went for a bike ride around the Westmoreland neighborhood. We made our way down to the Springwater Corridor and over to the Oaks Bottom trail before returning home. Through the Safe Schools program, kids learned not only how to ride bicycles much more safely, but learned that you don't need a car to get where you want to go.

Joel Holley (a teacher from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance) did a terrific job in teaching, showing much patience with a sometimes less-than-focused class.

Overall, I highly recommend ALL students partake of this Safe Schools program and all parents explore opportunities to travel via 2 pedal-driven wheels (if you're not already :)